Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Two Years Gone

Hi Ryan. Just in case you're somewhere wondering if we still miss you, the answer is yes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Have You Really Been Gone for a Year?

It is so hard to believe. Time accordions in our grief. Expands. Contracts.

It's as though we just saw you yesterday. And yesterday was a thousand years ago.

You were wearing your orange plaid shirt and smoking a cigarette. And laughing.
Probably at yourself.

The days go by. And still, we miss you.

Tomorrow is one year. And still, there is no way to quantify our loss.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010


by Ryan Seramur

half mad and sober

the morning light is


and the wounded soldiers
curse like sailors
(in a clackity native tongue)
as I toss them away
to their empty garbage grave

bukowski is a bad influence
because I've decided
to kill a lot more of them

challenging me from the trenches of their
ice-box battleship

I attack with vigor

the day has just


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


by Ryan Seramur

Up in the night from rest,
the deep placid facade's caress,
upon which my sorrows emerge,
deaf to reason, impossible to purge

Within the moonlight whisps
all my sad thoughts and blunders,
the burden of every mistake and thunder,
oh the rain which never dries

Damn that awful name,
two years now in refrain,
a weakness so overtried,
leave me be, allow some pride

And in the catacombs of my worry,
I cannot feel joy's meek breast,
so I sit in this stark impatience,
and pray my skin to shed anew.